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Author Topic: General Vang Pao Legacy
Posts: 3
Post General Vang Pao Legacy
on: February 13, 2011, 22:51

What is your opinion about General Vang Pao's legacy? What are the good things that he had done? What are the bad things? Or do you even consider him leaving a legacy behind?

I believed that General Vang Pao has done many great things for the Hmong people. Yes, there are small mistakes that he also did in the past. But his great deeds definitely out weighted the small mistakes. Majority of the Hmong people have respects for the General, and a few still hated him even after his death. But it will be written in Hmong history that General Vang Pao was the person that changes the Hmong people and its community from a complete farming and uneducated society to the modern society of the world within 35 years. This topic will be studied, analyzed, debated, and discussed for many future generations to come.

Please share your thoughts!


Posts: 3
Post Re: General Vang Paos Legacy
on: February 13, 2011, 23:01

Here's an article written by Wameng Moua from Hmong Today about General Vang Pao's legacy.

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